Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Renee interview test

Hi Platinum
I have a 2nd round interview and they saif they want me to issue a sales order. 

So I need to issue a sales order, and transfer it into invoice, and issue a purchase order ,and enter a purchase invoice, and pay for purchase. I am a little bit worried about the sales side like sales order and tranfer it into invoices. 
I check the Myob myself, to issue a sales order, do I enter from
sales---enter sale----chosse ordere instead of invoice-----put all the information needed( is there any details I need pay special attention to ??) ----record.
For transfering sales order to invoice:
enter sales----sales register---find the transaction and open it----there is a button at the bottom called invoice, click it----transferred( is there any other details I have to pay attention after that?)
( there is a button at the bottom called creat PO, I do not what that is, does that mean when we sell something, we may need to purchase so issue a purchase order??)
They are also giving some commission to their customers, how to record these transactions in myob??
What if any refund happens?


Renee technical questions

Hi Platinum,

I have some technical questions:

If we found out that some transactions shoing on the bank statement, but does not exist in our system ( like some fees, expenses), what should we do?? 

If the transactions are missing in bank statement, but we do have them in our system, what should we do? ( just untick it, and reconcile?) –

If the dispute transactions can not be solved on te first day, is there anything we can do in the system?? ( like move all of them to one temporary account?)

Hope the above all make sense.


Thursday, 15 March 2012

Fuel Tax Credits

Dear Platinum,

I am  writing to ask for some help on my interview questions i just came across this morning.
The interviewer asked me how to prepare Business Activities Statement, they asked something about “Fuel Tax Credit”.

Do you have any idea on what is this Fuel Tax Credit about? Most of their clients are from construction industry, that’s why i think they ask me this questions.

Kind Regards


Bank reconciliation not matching

HI Platinum

I am preparing for this interview, and have some questions about Bank Recon:

When we do the bank recon in training, the transactions were perfectly match with the bank statment.
I am wondering if in te real life, some differences happen, what is the procedure to solve it.
If we found out that some transactions showing on the bank statement, but does not exist in our system ( like some fees, expenses), what should we do??

( My thinking is we call the bank first to look into this trasaction, and if it occurs, we just put journal into the system? what if it does not exist, do we reconcile directly or we have to make some note in our system so that we know in the future?

If the transactions are missing in bank statement, but we do have them in our system, what should we do? ( just untick it, and reconcile?)

If the dispute transactions can not be solved on te first day, is there anything we can do in the system?? ( like move all of them to one temporary account?)



Salary Sacrifice Superannuation

Hi Platinum,

I have one question, could you please help me to solve it?

If a person’s gross salary/ pay package is 250k, he wants to salary sacrifice some of his pay into his super.
He wants his company contribute 50k in total into his super per year including salary sacrifice and SGC. (He is over 50, super contribution cap is 50k)

How to split this 50k between his SGC and salary sacrifice? (His accountant suggests 29300 for salary sacrifice and 20700 for SGC?).


How to journal superannuation contributions

I have a question how to record this transaction into journal, hopefully you will be able to sort it out.

If an employee has a gross wages $4000.00 and tax withheld $1000.00 as well as the company pay 11% of super which is 440.00 then I will make a journal will be :

Salary 4000.00
Super   440.00
Payg liability        1000.00
Cash (to super)    440.00
Cash (to Staff)     3000.00

However my question is if an employee will contribute extra $300.00 to her super and will be deducted from her salary, is it call salary sacrifice? and how to make the journal to this transactions?
as information :

Staff will receive $ 2700.00 ($3000.00 – $300.00)  because she sacrifice her salary $300.00 into super then she receive her salary less.

How to make the final journal? I tried to make it but there is gap $300.00 and I dont know how to allocate it.

Many thanks


Public Accounting Firm

Hi Platinum
What is public accounting firm? thanks


Accounts Payable for Small Firm

Hi Coco,
I wanted to know how often is A/P reconciled in a small to medium sized firm? For example, how many reconciliations would you do during a month?

Exciting Areas of Accounting

Hi, I have come across an interview question with which I would like to get some help. The question is:

There are many different division within this company and within the finance teams – financial accounting, management accounting, capital accounting, analytics etc. Which area excites you most and why?

Choosing a division of my interest and answering is not a problem. But I would be grateful if you could suggest me something specific that an employer would like to hear in the answer. What should I focus on more?

Thanks in advance.


Mastering Tax

I started a career in accounting using MYOB , I have three years of audit experience overseas though. My question is how to master the tax stuff ?

Amr Esmadi

Tax Return Questions

Hi Coco,

Thanks for your reply to my questions.

I do have a few more questions to ask you, as I have been studying tax:
1. Is the Medicare levy only applicable to individuals?
2. Do wine retailers charge the WET tax as well? Are those who charge the WET able to claim it back from the ATO? Is GST charged on top of the WET?
3. Are donations taxable?
4. Can we include any sales of capital assets in our installment income on the BAS when we are working out our PAYG Instalment?
5. How do we reconcile our payroll accounts?

Thank you for your reply.


Fixed Assets Register

Hi Platinum,
1) I am doing fixed asset register, On mannual step 1 is ENTER PURCHASE OF 5 DESIGNER CHAIRS (1/1/10)
[ AP procedures]

My question is where to find this information ( price of chairs etc).

2) I did prepayments last saturday. But at the end Prepayment bal on B/S is not matching with total remaining b/c om prep. SS 31/1/11.

I tried to find my mistake but I couldn’t. How can I go through with this problem? Please help.

Thanks for support.


Large Company Invoices

Hi Platinum,

I would like to know, how are invoices filed in a large company?

Also, when it comes to paying off credit card liability for each period, who will decide how much is to be paid back to credit card company?

Thanks for your help.


Hi Platinum,

Can you please clarify or explain the following doubts about Accruals:

The very definition of Accruals is considering the expenses and revenues for the P&L period. The way we do at Florian Actual (YTD) v Budget (YTD) results in variance and rounding the Amount to closest $10 and Accrue them accordingly.

1. How can we accrue the actual expenses and revenues for the P & L period without the budget.
2. If you can explain me with a invoice dated 15thof the month for 2 months for $2000.
3. Explain where services provided and payment received $1500 but income unearned.

Thank you and appreciate your help.

John Pulla

Payroll Officer Role

Hi Platinum,

I went for an interview last week for a payroll officer role, but i was having trouble trying to explain to them how the payroll is processed in a large company.

i was telling them how to do it in myob, and they were not satisfied with my answer.
can you please give me some detailed steps, as we only covered payroll in a small company.


Reconciliation Officer

Hi Platinum

I got a call from a company for an Interview for the position of Reconciliation Officer. I am wondering what are the potential questions for that particular position?

If they ask me ” why should we hire you?” then what is the best answer? It is very funny ask this question to you but seriously i am very confuse.Just wanna know best answer.

Thank you for your great help.


Biggest Achievement

Hi Platinum team,
I was asked this question quite a few times during the interview:
What is your biggest achievement in the last 6 months? What shall I say to impress the interviewer?

Balance Sheet Analysis

Hi Platinum

Did you ever have a situation where you had to analyse the Balance Sheet?

Thanks Kate

Excel skills required

Hello Platinum
I have questions for you regarding excel skills. I have been told that the interviewer will ask me more questions on excel. Please advise me for the same.Thanks

My question to you please help me to know when and why did i use Vlook up and Pivot tables
What error one can make if they don’t do Vlook up properly and some insights in Excel questions
(like what reports i use to produce on excel and why and how they were useful.


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Platinum Accounting offers training and internship services to people who would like to kickstart their accounting career.

Our goal is to help you with your accounting career and job hunting and we have some interview tips. We will also answer any questions you may have for job interviews.

Please visit us at or call us on 02 88894111 for training and internships